

A fully customizable, web-application development platform. Create a complete, secure web application with customized screens and views of your existing data, or a brand-new database, and display them in a customizable menu system. Like other web applications, applications built with InfoCenters can be published and accessed through a browser by users anywhere - without having to install any software on the users' computers or devices.
User security access can be set at then menu level, or down to the database level.
We think this is such a powerful and easy-to-use development system that we used it to build our WebPortal application!


Early versions of LoanerTrak have been used in loaner departments since 1991. Decades of direct user input and development has expanded the functionality of this application to handle the countless demands and exceptions that every loaner department encounters on a daily basis - all of this while maintaining a simple, intuitive user interface.
We fully understand the complex needs of the medical Loaner Service. Our staff has extensive experience working within this field.
View the Details page for a list of crucial, time-saving functions built in to the application


WebPortal is a web/browser based application that connects directly to LoanerTrak, allowing Field Representatives, Customers or any other user in the world to log in through a secure portal, and request, edit, or view their loaner inventory. Orders submitted through WebPortal appear instantly in LoanerTrak, where a scheduler can confirm, edit or reject the request, triggering instant notification through WebPortal and/or email. And like Infocenters, there's no software to install on the client's device!
Because WebPortal was built using the Infocenters platform, custom screens, reports, etc. can be easily added to the application - even from other software applications' databases, such as your company's mainframe accounting system.
WebPortal and LoanerTrak are the perfect pairing for any sized loaner department.


OptionsAdd-on components

LT DataSync is a separate customized application that runs on the server that helps migrate data from your company's mainframe system, such as Customer, Field Rep, Product Master, Lot Expiry, GTIN data, and synchronizes it with LoanerTrak's data tables.

Because each company's mainframe software and access policies are different, we leave it up to our customer to decide how DataSync reads the company data to be synchronized.

The LT Emailer is an add-on component that runs on the server and sends all LoanerTrak and WebPortal generated emails to specified recipients. In LoanerTrak's Customer, Ship to, and Field rep screens, there are checkboxes that allow you to configure who receives an automatic email and at what point in the loaner process (example: when a loaner is shipped). LT Emailer is included with the LoanerTrak application.