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WebPortal is a web/browser based application that connects directly to LoanerTrak, allowing Field Representatives, Customers or any other user in the world to log in through a secure portal, and request, edit, or view their loaner inventory.

Orders submitted through WebPortal appear instantly in LoanerTrak, where a scheduler can confirm, edit or reject the request, triggering instant notification through WebPortal and/or email. And like InfoCenters, there's no software to install on the client's device because this is a web application.

Because WebPortal was built using the InfoCenters platform, custom screens, reports, etc. can be easily added to the application - even from other software applications' databases, such as your company's mainframe accounting system.

WebPortal and LoanerTrak are the perfect pairing for any sized loaner department.

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Features (Click to expand)

? Built on JSON technology, (JavaScript Object Notation), smaller footprint than xml
? Bank-level encryption TLS2
? Connect to any leading database system
? User security system for filtering views by user permission
? Standalone or fully integrated with LoanerTrak
? Customizable application
? Customizable menus, submenus, screens, functions
? Built-in, on-line library / document manager system, manages MS Word, MS Excel, PDF, LoanerTrak docs (filtered by security settings)
? Email notification system (outbound)
? Remotely supported, rapid program changes
? Customers, Field Reps can submit set requests directly to supplier warehouse
? Auto routing of submitted requests are directed to supplier company based on customer and set’s super category
? Customers, Field Reps can view any data in LoanerTrak, or other databases, in real time
? Screens adjust for desktop, tablet, smartphone
? Application can run on your company’s server, close to LoanerTrak data, or can be hosted by us

OptionsAdd-on components

LT DataSync is a separate customized application that runs on the server that helps migrate data from your company's mainframe system, such as Customer, Field Rep, Product Master, Lot Expiry, GTIN data, and synchronizes it with LoanerTrak's data tables.

Because each company's mainframe software and access policies are different, we leave it up to our customer to decide how DataSync reads the company data to be synchronized.

The LT Emailer is an add-on component that runs on the server and sends all LoanerTrak and WebPortal generated emails to specified recipients. In LoanerTrak's Customer, Ship to, and Field rep screens, there are checkboxes that allow you to configure who receives an automatic email and at what point in the loaner process (example: when a loaner is shipped). LT Emailer is included with the LoanerTrak application.