? Unlimited number of sets can be booked for any date in the future
? Sets are hard booked so availability is confirmed from the moment of booking
? Set selection can be switched from selecting by set number, or by the least used set
? Check button checks whether requested sets are currently at customer. Pops up a message
? Holiday table displays stat holidays when dates are being selected
? Option to print/email booking details
? Multi location booking and visibility
? Requested sets can be requested from another company by dragging and dropping
? Systems can be set up with set configurations to facilitate the booking process
? Quick filters specify In-house sets, or complete sets only
? Configurable order types can be set up. These can be set to restrict editable fields in booking screen
? WebPortal requests are fed directly to booking screen
? Booking edit automatically locks out WebPortal user from editing and vice-versa
? Auto email confirmation
? Loaner "types" change the name of the event beside the date selector field on forms. Example: loaner type "s" for standard, displays "Surgery Date". "w" displays "Wkshp Date" in the booking screen.
? Order can be linked to print external documents, cleaning instructions, contract, etc
? Delivery confirmation document can be selected to print
? Unavailable sets can be substituted with same set type quickly and easily
? Option by user allows for set editing from the shipping screen
? One-button, automatic printing of detailed packing slips
? Shipping information can be entered and auto emailed to the customer
? Option to print set images
? Auto email confirmation
Drop Shipping / Extensions
? Combines Drop Ship, Due Date Extension, and Due Date Shorten into one screen
? WebPortal Drop Ship and Extension requests are fed directly to this screen
? Instant confirmation of set availability as date is changed.
? Holiday table displays stat holidays when dates are being selected
? Some sets can be selected for Drop Shipment or Extension, which generates a new order and loaner number, while leaving the remaining sets on the original order
? Auto email confirmation
? Receiver can check box indicating that the loaner was not used (for reporting)
? Multiple users can receive sets from the same loaner at the same time
? Multiple receiving methods: manual, double click, quick buttons, HIBC barcode scan, GS1 barcode scan, RFID scanner/external device integration (custom module required) with customizable buttons on receiving screen
? Missing items are automatically recorded and display to the customer in the WebPortal screen, and in the LoanerTrak Billing screen.
? Set contents is automatically updated
? Replenishment request is automatically generated (optional)
? Issues with received sets can be logged in the receiving screen.
? Specific item types can put set on auto hold if qty goes below minimum
? Set contents document can be printed on receipt for backup/disaster recovery purposes
? Internal handling procedures can be set up to direct the set for special handling
? Auto email notification
? Totalling on report includes subtotal items, freight, loan fee, late chg, and grand total
? Post ship program feeds freight cost total
? Customers can submit Billing / Replenishment Requests through WebPortal, which would automatically appear in this screen
? Users can manually add or delete items from a billing order
? Info can be exported to a csv file that can in turn be imported to an external accounting system. Note: export fields are selectable in global settings.
? Auto email confirmation
In-Field Replenishment
? In field replenishment creates one main replenish set that is added to with each replenish order. User moves items back into sets in field from the main replenish set. Easier to track.
? Simplified screens
? Ability to manually add/delete items from replenishment request
? WebPortal requests feed directly into this screen
? Auto Email confirmation
Lot Control System
? Detailed lot expiry system tracking display, control and maintenance
? Popup messages indicate when lots are expiring in a set. Can automatically put sets on auto hold
? Option to stop user from continuing with certain functions like shipping if at least one lot is expiring. Set in global settings.
Internal Handling System
? Set up internal handling steps and assign to Internal Handling categories. Assign categories to sets which activate when the set is received or are received to loading dock. Internal processing codes can be customized for each set type.
? Process sets at each step in the Internal Processing screen
? Movement and handling of sets is tracked in set history
? Report on internal handling
Auto-Email System
? Server based Python emailer.
? Assign auto email recipients to each Customer, Ship to, and Field Rep record
? Add additional cc email addresses to auto-email options.
? Auto-email trigger points include:
1) when a booking is confirmed
2) an in-field replenishment is processed
3) a drop shipment is processed
4) a due date extension is processed
5) a loaner is shipped, with the option of attaching Loaner packing slips
6) an in-field replenishment is shipped
7) a shipped loaner contains a backorder
8) post-shipment information (waybills, etc) is entered
9) one day before a loaner is due
10) a loaner is late
11) the last set is received from a loaner
12) items are consumed from a loaner
13) consumed items are billed
? Late Loaner Notify processing screen previews late loaner notification list before sending. User can remove recipients from send list.
? Ad hoc messaging to rep. (with mail to text address set up)
? Report screen format consolidates many reports into one interface with print options
? Custom reports can be added without updating software. Database driven
? If MS Excel installed on the user’s PC, reports can be directly exported to Excel spreadsheets
System-wide Features
? Counter badges appear over book, ship, bill and process buttons indicating the number of new pending items requiring attention. Example: badge over ship button indicates the number of orders to be shipped that day.
? Simplified, user-friendly screens
? Dashboard screen form allows admins to monitor activity within the loaner department all in one screen
? Ability to drill down in detail grids on forms with right and left click controls for additional information
? Print button at top of each screen prints what is on screen - immediate hard copy
? Help button on forms links user to web page help screen
? Activity is tracked at the set and item level, when an item is added or removed from loaners
? Set “odometer” tracks the number of loaner cycles that a set has gone through. Updated at the point of shipping
? Custom program launcher for admins to launch custom programs from within LoanerTrak
? Customizable menu buttons allow custom screens to be launched by users
? 30 APIs (Application Program Interface) throughout program automatically run external custom code after user completes a function, such as shipping a loaner
? Multi company access. Users in different companies can access data.
? GS1 and HIBC barcode deciphering capability
? Error reporting feature, automatically sends auto email to BTI